Aspire To Be One Of Malaysian's Company Model In Sustainable Development
Looking ahead, we intend to continue to provide value meaningfully and responsibly – by actively contributing to our local communities, harnessing environmentally sustainable technology, and pursuing growth areas that leverage the strengths of D’Era Pouch Industries.
Our company aims to be consistent in helping local communities
During the recent big flood that hit our country, many lives and properties destroyed. We took an initiative by using almost what we have – assets including trucks, foods and even manpower to help those in needs.
Not forget the orphanages, Tahfiz institutions, and other people who are in need. In terms of food supply, we give and care as much as we could.
It is recommended to do a lot of charity and good on Friday days and nights. Therefore, we took this opportunity to share our product with the Friday prayer Jamaah at the local mosques.