From Small To Manufacturing Powerhouse

Many businesses started from small scale and so do we. Founded as early as 2004, we start manufactured products for other companies such as sardines, spicy anchovies and other foods that can be considered as canned food.

Today, D’Heritage are proud because we start to produce our own products and market it to the mass. In 2014, our hit product, which is Sardin Viral enter the market and instantly become everyone darlings.

Apart from Sardin Viral, our Chicken Curry, Baked Beans and Tomato Puree are amongst the top choice because of their uniqueness. All of our product lines are using ‘Retort Packaging’ which eliminate the usage of canned packaging.

The Technology Behind

D’Heritage has grown so much, alongside our nation and been a part of Malaysia’s Meal-Ready-To-Eat (MRE) industry. We start to implement a technology called ‘Retort’ that revolutionized the canned food concept.

Retort technology is a high temperature and high pressure sterilization process that kills all the harmful bacteria. In this process, foods are preserved in natural way without using any preservatives, which are commonly used to keep the fresh and the products’ shelf life. In other words, the Retort Technology has to adverse effects on our health.

We have acquired this most advanced Retort Technology from Korea. Unlike the frozen food, the distinguishing feature of the Retort Food is that it doesn’t need to keep it in the refrigerator to save it. The food remains fresh at room temperature for years. That’s why is is called MRE – Meal Ready to Eat.

It is very practical for students or even housewives because the use of sealed packaging has removes the odor completely from the previous canned packaging that retains the smells of pungent fish and the aluminium can itself.

Quality Control

They are required to adhere and stick to the strictest quality control. For example, every food that have been processed must go through a magnetic metal detector machine for scanning purpose, so that they are free from any tiny metal particles.

Our Employees Are Our Assets

Behind every success stories, there are strong backbones, which are the staffs and workers. At our factories in Nilai 3, we are proud to employed more than 100 dedicated people that contributed to each of the company operation.

They are required to adhere and stick to the strictest quality control. For example, every food that have been processed must go through a magnetic metal detector machine for scanning purpose, so that they are free from any tiny metal particles.